OPS scored Hat Trick !
OxfordPhotographicSociety Oxford Photographic Society
founded in 1889




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Club News


OPS successfull again

The VECC National Internet Exhibition ( www.photo2004.com ) saw a strong showing from OPS members with Don Byatt getting 4 acceptances including a PAGB silver medal; Philip Joyce 3 acceptances including a selector's medal; Colin Harrison 7 acceptances including a PAGB ribbon; Steve Field 5 acceptances; Chris O'Neal 4 acceptances and Jeff Coles 2 acceptances. The exhibition can now be viewed at the above website and is well worth a look!


OPS scored another Hat Trick

Colin Harrison FRPS, MPAGB, EFIAP is the latest OPS member to be published in Digital Photo, one of the UK's leading photography magazines. Colin's pictures feature in the Gallery section of April's issue with some accompanying information on the techniques behind the final result. 

Amateur Photographer magazine featured a two page spread of work by OPS member Pete Warrington CPAGB. All of Pete's pictures were taken on a trip organised by club members and Pete said 'OPS has provided some great opportunities to meet other photographers and share ideas. It has been great to see how my photography has improved over the past few years and I'm looking forward to some more trips!"  

The 2004 Southampton International Exhibition accepted submissions by OPS members Colin Harrison FRPS, MPAGB, EFIAP, Harry Harris CPAGB and Chris O'Neil DPAGB. The panel of 3 selectors set an acceptance score of 12 out of 15 resulting in a very high standard of work and providing a wonderful showcase for some of the world's best amateur photographers. 


OPS scored Hat Trick

In one week the OPS won three external competition:

02-03-04: Wantage Digital Battle
04-03-04: Central Club Challenge in Milton Keynes
06-03-04: Wycombe Trophy

See all the results here.


OPS Photo Exhibition (Dates tbc)

The latest OPS exhibition of members' work will be held in the main corridor of the Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford ( same location as for the discussion groups). Entry to the exhibition is free and members will be donating their prints, which will be offered for sale in support of The Craniofacial Unit Charitable Trust Fund. In addition to supporting this worthy cause the exhibition aims to showcase the work of as many members as possible and encourage new-comers.  


OPS member achieves RPS Distinction

The Royal Photographic Society, founded in 1853, is the most prestigious international photographic society. It has long been recognised for the promotion and maintenance of high photographic standards around the world and has established itself worldwide, through its programme of touring exhibitions, events and special interest groups.

On the 22nd February, OPS member Gary Irvine submitted a portfolio of his work to the Royal Photographic Society for assessment for their Licentiate distinction. The assessment was conducted at an open session held at the Focus on Imaging exhibition at the NEC. The six judges gave the portfolio some close scrutiny and then confirmed it had passed and that Gary Irvine has now been awarded the Licentiateship of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (LRPS).


OPS members successful again

OPS members Jeff Coles and Philip Joyce both secured Runners Up prizes in the Digital Photo Art magazine 2003 competition, each picking up £60 worth of Somerset Enhanced A4 photo paper as a prize.

DPA is a subscription based magazine (visit www.arempublishing.co.uk) and editor Roger Maile judges each of the 6 bi-monthly competitions held in three divisions. Jeff's success has secured promotion from the 2nd to the top division, whilst Philip moves from the 3rd to the 2nd division. Both Philip and Jeff are hoping to improve their rankings in 2004!


Photo Awards for OPS members  

Over the week-end of 29/30th November 2003, nine more OPS members were successful in obtaining photographic awards from the Photographic Alliance of Gt Britain (PAGB), placing Oxford PS third in the UK for members with PAGB distinctions.  

Awards at Distinction level were awarded to Jeff Coles, Chris O'Neil and Dave McKay who can now all use DPAGB after their name.

Awards at Credit level were awarded to Marilyn Ward, Gary IrvineSteve Field, Steve Wall, Pete Warrington, Harry Harries and Colin Armitage who can now all use CPAGB after their name.

Everyone was delighted by this enormous success which demonstrates the progress everyone has made since joining the club through learning and sharing new skills. Why not follow the links to see some of the pictures?...better still why not join OPS to develop your photographic talents!  


OPS wins the first round of the Rose Bowl

which took place at Oxford with Judge Chris Palmer.


1. Oxford PS (250 points )
2. Chesham CC (230 points)
3. Woodley PS (225 points)
4. Goring and Streatley PS (206 points)


OPS Member wins at DigiComp 03!

Oxford member Jeff Coles was delighted to win the PaintBox catagory of Marlow Camera Club DigiComp 03. This catagory was for images, constructed from one or more photograpic images, originated by the competitor. Jeff's image is made of 4 photographs and has had many hours work in photoshop to complete.


by Jeff Coles


The October 2003 newsletter came out.


OPS Member Success in National Photography Week Competition!

To coincide with National Photography Week back in July, Practical Photography and Jessops ran a competition called "It's my life" asking for a panel of photographs documenting people's lives during that week. OPS member Gary Irvine came third with an entry of a series of photos taken on his whale and dolphin watching to the Azores - which is where he was lucky enough to be that week. Gary won £200 of Jessops vouchers. Unfortunately PP did not have space to publish all the winning entries - but these links will take you to Gary's entries.


OPS gathers more

Oxford Photographic Society (OPS) recently celebrated the success of one of their members in obtaining a licentiateship from the Royal Photographic Society. Julian Asquith only joined OPS within the last year, but his enthusiasm and commitment has already been rewarded with a prestigious award from the UK's leading photographic society.

The Licentiateship requires the submission of 10 pictures to be assessed by some of the country's top photographers. The judges look for pictures that demonstrate strong viewpoints and sympathetic use of lighting, as well as presenting the subject in an imaginative and creative way. Julian, who will now be able to use the designatory letters LRPS, said "I was delighted to achieve this award and really appreciate the help and encouragement of other photographers from OPS. I was a little apprehensive about submitting my pictures at first, so I attended a Royal Photographic Society workshop and this really helped point me in the right direction."


Welcome back to the new season!

The new programme is already published as well as the list of the new OPS Committee and the Hall of Fame for last season.


OPS wins again!

"Round Three of the 2003 Digital Photo Artist competition saw two OPS members achieve top-three placing. The subscription based magazine Digital Photo Art, is edited by Roger Maile (visit www.cremono.com ) and Roger personally judges all entries and awards points for each of the 6 bi-monthly submissions. Scores are accumulated and winners in each of the three graded divisions will be awarded the title of Digital Photo Artist and big prizes! After less successful entries in rounds 1 and 2, Jeff Coles and Philip Joyce both produced top pictures for round 3. Jeff competes in the top division and was awarded first place for his picture, whilst Philip achieved a third place for his picture of 'Kate' in division three. Both Jeff and Philip are hoping their success will continue in the remaining rounds!"




OPS members on Tour

During a long week-end in June, seven photographers from Oxford Photo. Society visited North Wales, Liverpool, Southport, Blackpool and Bolton. Email contact with several clubs in the area resulted in some useful suggestions on locations that made the most of the trip and Tony Myers from the South Liverpool Club even turned up to provide a guided tour!

See some of the results


OPS members successful again!

Photo2003, hosted by The Vale of Evesham Camera Club, is the first official internet exhibition and two OPS members were successful with their entries. The exhibition invited photographers to submit digital images on CD Roms, which were projected using a digital projector, for the judges. The exhibition followed the normal convention with three judges scoring each picture between 2-5. This meant that each picture could score between 6 and 15; however the normal acceptance score of 11 had to be increased to 12 on this occasion, due to the number and standard of entries.

Steve Field had 'The Lonely Tree' accepted, Jeff Coles had 'Defensive' and 'Cello Girl' accepted, whilst Philip Joyce had 'The Old Bike' and 'On My Doorstep' accepted, with 'On My Doorstep' receiving a Highly Commended PAGB ribbon.

The exhibition will now be compiled and posted on the Website www.photo2003.com with effect from 25 May 2003, where it will be available for visitors to view for 1 year.


Phillip Joyce wins again!

Results from a recent photographic competition held by Sir Michael Sobell House Hospice saw OPS member Philip Joyce win first prize. The competition was based on the title 'Show You Care' and it invited photographers to freely interpret the theme. Philip's winning picture will be displayed at Sir Michael Sobell House, at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford and the prize is one year's membership of the Royal Photographic Society.

Philip's picture depicted the janitor at the Pontypridd shopping Centre providing an elderly shopper with a cup of tea and some conversation. Philip said 'My wife deserves much of the credit for my success, as she not only spotted the competition was running, but also recommended my entry! Free membership of the RPS provides a great opportunity to select a panel of pictures for a RPS distinction and so I expect to work on this over the next 12 months.'

For more information about Sobell House Hospice Charity visit www.sobellhospice.org and for the Royal Photographic Society visit www.rps.org


Our member Phillip Joyce recently won a Digital Photo magazine's Readers Challenge at the Walthamstow Dog Challenge.

Congatulations to him and read this report. The full report is published in the February issue of the magazine.


OPS also wins the third round of the Rose Bowl which took place in Croxley.


1. Oxford PS (257 points )
2. Croxley (228 points)
3. Oxford Magnets (219 points)
4. Kodak Works (217 points)


Added the newly released Digital Trophy Print Competition Rules.


OPS wins the second round of the Rose Bowl which took place in Oxford. Results:

1. Oxford PS (267 Points )
2. New City (256 Points)
3. Marlow C.C. (245 Points)
4. Watford (242 Points)


Competition Rules added to the website.


Congratulations to the team of the OPS for wining the first round of the Rose Bowl at Buckingham. Results:

1. Oxford PS (251 Points)
2. Buckingham CC (244 Points)
3. Chalford & Gerrad Cross CC (238 Points)
British Airways CC (220 Points)


Vote of Thanks for tonight's programme
'Digital Images' by Chris Wainwright:

When Pete Upton puts the season's programme together you can be sure that we will see some of the country's top photographers visiting Oxford and I am sure Chris Wainwright's presentation will certainly prove to be one of the highlights. Chris has visited Oxford before and always provided a fascinating and inspirational evening. Tonight Chris showed us his B&W work on Photoshop over the last 6 years and the ideas and techniques came thick and fast. It was like listening to a comedian tell you a hundred jokes and you knew you'd only remember one&but everyone was trying hard to remember more than that, as Chris went through images that featured posterization, duo-toning, noise, glowing edges and much more!

The stunning simplicity and impact of his pictures will inspire us all to emulate Chris's style and everyone hopes we don't have to wait too long before Chris returns.



Re-launch of the ops-website.


T4-Cameras Ltd.

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